1500 word yap on how much i want each tama on a scale of 1-10


HIII im writing this blog post cuz ive been like, Deliberating in my mind.. i want to get another color tama model soon but idk which.. so im gonna go through them all (most expensive to least), describe them, and what i think !!!!

tamagotchi mix and tama meets/on

PRICE: mix’s are like 80-90 and meets/ons can go for UP to 200(Goodness)
i'm putting these together since they are pretty similar,, just one has more content.. so both of these have the gene mixing mechanic, each critter has like 4 different parts of them? i think something around there, and those genetics will combine with their partners to give u a Weird messed up kid..
i KNOW that gene mixing is beloved but.. idk if its really for me ? it seems kinda fun and something id like to try eventually but, i like going for a specific critter more than trying to make my own (also God a lot of these gene combos r ugly,,) i do think the one redeeming thing for me would be getting a sanrio meets or mix, since u can get genetics from sanrio characters and go to special locations, BUT the sanrio versions are INSANELY EXPENSIVE like more than any other model AND theres tamas with much cheaper dlcs related to sanrio (p’s, uni, and smart)

how much i want it rating: 5.5/10

tamagotchi p’s

PRICE: can go from like 100-170 i think
THESE are actually pretty cool,, these are one of the older models and they have a lot too them!! i often see them praised as one of the best.. the growth chart does look pretty cool, it has this like traits feature that effects which character u get, like if u play a specific game or use a specific item with ur tama it will gain a trait. another cool feature i see is the diary where ur critter writes about their day, like what they did at school or at their part time job (oh ya u can make them work a job..) it also has a very pretty design idc if u think its Too girly,, at the top of its shell u can see a tiny hole, these r for inserting deco pierces, which are this devices form of dlc !! these add about what all the other dlc types add, new characters, locations, games, clothes, u get it, BUT they r in these cute little charm shapes, and theres a lot of them (a bit expensive tbf but u can buy fake ones) THIS INCLUDES one for sanrio which lets specific tamas wear sanrio character fits!! these pierces also allow for custom content to be added (along with custom content from using an irda phone, Not explaining that here) overall the p DESPITE being a bit expensive does seem beloved and well liked so i think id enjoy what it has quite a bit

how much i want it rating: 8/10

tamagotchi +color

PRICE: can go from like 110-150 i think
the +color!! this is the first color tama which seems like itd put it at a disadvantage but,, its pretty popular actually!! the shell is kinda boring but its cute i guess… this device is the first to a lot of things,, Color of course, it doesnt have accessories yet but thats not a deal breaker, but it is cute to see ur tama in like a fun hat atleast.. supposedly this device is pretty simple but it looks quite charming!! unfortunately it does have a pretty simple growth chart with only like 10 characters. its hard to find things to say abt this one as it didnt really have a gimmick besides being the first color tama, it has tree growing i guess ? that lets u get special items and such. it also has a lot of cool locations, like an amusement park and a movie theater to see ur tama star in a film!! the main drawback for this one for me is that it doesnt have any tamatomo system (tamatomo is the badge feature where u can get a badge for each adult u raise) which is kinda important to me, i like being able to visually see which characters ive raised and what i have left,, gives me a goal to work towards!!

how much i want it rating: 6.5/10

tamagotchi 4u

PRICE: 80-130$
the 4u! maybe the one i hear about the least but it has some appealing features for me.. the character roster is a bit low (but has lovelitchi and melodytchi which is a plus..) BUT this device is very focused on how u raise ur character, in its child stage which lasts extra long (no teen stage) u can like,, teach it skills? like if u catch it about to shit on the floor u can tell it to use the bathroom like a functioning member of society, and if u do this enough u wont have to worry about cleaning up its poop ever!! theres a few skills u teach in its child stage and id think thatd make me feel closer to my tama. theres also personality stages which r these like strange transformations each character has if u meet certain requirements,, like for example kuchipatchi turns into like a Sphere if u feed him too much, so ya that also sounds really cool!!!! this all does sound cool but i think id like to try this one later on cuz im not really set on it yet for some reason dunno why just a Feeling…

how much i want it rating: 6.5/10

tamagotchi id l

PRICE: 60-100$
hmm its a bit hard to write about this one, i think i would really like it since i like my iD!! its pretty similar, from what ive heard the iD DOES have its charm by itself but the id l is practically just an expansion upon its features. it has a HUGE character list (32) WITH a tamatomo system like the id which i like,, i could spend like a year trying to get every characters badge and i know id enjoy it! later down the line this is def on my list but i think i need to let the iD i have Simmer a bit,, atleast get all the characters first.

how much i want it rating: 7/10

tamagotchi smart

PRICE: 50-70$
okay i have NO CLUE WHY but theres something that is attracting me to this device.. this is the device prior to the uni released only in japan, im assuming it didnt do too great lol and reactions to this one seem to be mixed. ive seen gameplay of it though and it does seem simplistically charming !! its main gimmick is its supposed to be like a smart watch with a touchscreen and im curious how good the touchscreen really is(also a small form factor and rechargable battery, big plus..) its got a small character list but like the p’s it has a SHIT TON of dlc (including sanrio) and theres a lot of characters i like on those. i dont really think this is the fullest tama but it does what the uni does but offline which i can appreciate AND its a pretty easy care tama so itd be low stress and i could run it with other devices. might be a bad call but, i REALLY want this model i feel like i should resist lol

how much i want it rating: 9/10

tamagotchi uni

PRICE: 40-50$ dollars if u can find a good deal
OKAY so this is the most modern device here, released likee summer 2023 i think ?? this is the thing im recommended the most which makes sense, it has a lot of content, dlcs, actively update with events,, BUT there are a few reasons im kinda against it…first im not really a huge fan of the dressing up aspect of more modern tamas, i do like giving my critter a funny hat but any deeper customization like the uni focuses on isnt my favorite. MORE IMPORTANTLY, JUST RECENTLY the trademarks were revealed for the next tama device and based on the release schedule a lot of people think theres gonna be a new model sometime later this year… this means the uni isnt gonna get anymore dlc, updates, or live events which seems to be the appeal for a lot of people. while i do like some features on here !! like the tama walk feature sounds fun (Pro walker here i love the outside ! !!!!! !) and collecting all the character badges and diy recipes, BUT i do hear some negative things about this device, and it losing wifi compatibility would amplify those id believe. FOR EXAMPLE the dlcs are loaded through a server and once that server goes down there will be ZERO way to change it or load a new one which would really suck being locked to one (it does have a sanrio dlc which is a bonus though..) anyways i guess itd make sense to get one of these next and is the popular choice that id enjoy somewhat but ehh

how much i want it rating: 6.5/10

tamagotchi pix

PRICE: 30-40$
im SO damn close to finishing this blog, and as much as i could talk abt the pix’s features WHICH I AM INTRIGUED BY, i Cant get one of these, i take my tamas to school and out and about occasionally and this thing is just so damn big,,,, its also pretty ugly teebeeh.. it’s very designed for like tween girls and u can TELL with its design, the only shell i like is the green one. but Ya its too bulky and like Embarrassing to take with me places, but once summer starts YEAH this would be my go to its super affordable and has a lot, no dlc but that just means the device itself is much fuller.

how much i want it rating: 8/10

woops i kinda yapped about nothing for like fifteen hundred words but i Needed to write this down somewhere, if u read this u are a Brave soul thank u..