wat is pvz?

plants vs zombies is a game for the pc released in 2009, later receiving its more famous mobile port in 2010
its received many sequels and spinoffs, including a sequel, a third game stuck in development hell, a card game, 3 shooters , and a strange amount of china exclusive games.
it's one of my most beloved franchises and ive beat the original almost a dozen or so times.


some of my favorite Guys


garden warfare is the shooter spinoff series of pvz,, consisting of garden warfare 1 and 2, and battle for neighbourville (kinda)
gw2 is probably my fav shooter of all time it has many silly characters !!!!
its variant system gives each of the 14 main classes tons of different versions, all with different strategies and ways to play. this totals to there being 100+ characters, my personal fav being sunflowers !!!

current character im leveling: cactus and all star

my mastered characters ranked by fun-ness gameplay wise!!
